Word List and Usage: W

waitlist (n.), wait-list (v.)

web Lowercase. It refers to the World Wide Web, which is a subset, like email, of the internet. They are not synonymous and should not be used interchangeably. Also, website, webcam, webfeed, webmaster, webpage, but web address, web browser. Also see internet, intranet. (AP style change effective June 1, 2016)

well Hyphenate as part of a compound modifier: Students will be able to develop their own well-constructed arguments. Also see good, well.


whether, if Whether expresses a condition where there are two or more alternatives: She doesn’t know whether to take biology or chemistry next semester. The word if expresses a condition where there are no alternatives: She can take linear algebra if she has completed two semesters of calculus.

whether or not The phrase or not is necessary only when you mean to convey the idea of “regardless of whether”: we will finish on time whether or not it rains.

which See that, which.

who, whom Who is the pronoun used for references to human beings and to animals with a name. It is grammatically the subject (never the object) of a sentence, clause, or phrase: The woman who rented the space left the window open. Who is there? Whom is the pronoun used when someone is the object of a verb or preposition: The woman to whom the space was rented left the window open. Whom do you wish to see?

-wide In general, no hyphen when used to form a compound, unless it is preceded by a proper name: campuswide, collegewide, industrywide, statewide, nationwide, worldwide; Chicago-wide.

Wi-Fi Acceptable in all references for the wireless networking standards.

wiki, WikiLeaks, Wikipedia

workbook, workday, workforce, workhorse, workout, workplace, workstation, workweek

worldwide No hyphen. Also: campuswide, collegewide, nationwide, statewide.

Updated May 19, 2016