Improving Effectiveness of Campus Policy and Procedures

To remain in compliance with Title IX requirements, Purchase College must send out periodic announcements and updates regarding Title IX provisions. To ensure that the college is meeting its commitment to the safety of the student and employees, the college routinely reviews its policies and procedures to improve its practices. Therefore, the college would appreciate your feedback concerning Title IX policies and procedures.

If you believe that you have been the victim of sexual misconduct (whether or not you reported the incident to the college) we’d like your opinion on how we can improve the effectiveness of our campus policies and procedures that address sexual misconduct. Please share your suggestions and/or feedback by making an appointment with, or by sending your feedback via email to:

Lisa Miles-Boyce, J.D.
Affirmative Action/Chief Diversity Officer, Title IX Coordinator and ADA Compliance Officer
Purchase College
735 Anderson Hill Road
Purchase, NY 10577
(914) 251-5992