If You Have Experienced Sexual Assault

If you have experienced sexual assault, you are not alone. You can file a report with our office 24/7 using our online report form.

Your Options:

To review these options in more detail, please visit the Purchase College Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Policy.

Getting Help

What if I need help? Whatever the first step is, we hope you will take it. You are not alone. The assault was not your fault. Qualified staff can help you sort through your emotions and options so you can make the decision that is right for you. It is a victim’s absolute right to choose what to do, if anything.

  • Campus Advocacy Services  Email the Victim Advocate at catherine.vanbomel@purchase.edu, or you may call the Counseling and Behavioral Health Services office for an emergency CAS meeting by calling (914) 251-6390. Follow instructions to speak with the Confidential answering service. Ask for the Counselor on Call and you will be connected. 
  • Emotional Support  Some victims—in the hours and days immediately following an incident—choose to seek counseling and supportive services first to help them decide what to do next, if anything at all. Campus Advocacy Services and the Counseling Center is free and confidential for all students: (914) 251-6390.
  • Medical Attention Health Services provides treatment for STDs, gynecological care, and “the morning after” pill, as well as assistance in receiving hospital services, such as HIV testing/emergency treatment, all on a completely confidential basis: (914) 251-6380. Some victims go immediately to the hospital for a sexual assault nurse exam (SANE). A SANE exam is conducted by a trained health care practitioner, and the goals are to provide victim-centered care, including assessment, evaluation, and quality evidence collection, and to provide expert witness testimony IF the victim chooses to pursue a criminal prosecution.
  • Criminal Prosecution Sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking are all crimes, and victims/survivors are encouraged to report the crime immediately to the University Police. The University Police at Purchase College have been trained in victim-centered investigation techniques that are respectful to victims/survivors. The University Police will assist in obtaining a court order of protection; assure that each victim is referred to specially trained counselors and victim advocates; and make sure that evidence is collected in a way which is respectful of the victim and his/her right to privacy and confidentiality and at the same time permits successful prosecution under the laws of the State of New York: (914) 251-6900.
  • Campus Investigation and Reporting In addition to being a crime, sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking are violations of college policy, and victims/survivors are encouraged to report the crime immediately to University Police and/or to the Title IX office. The Title IX office will assure that each victim is referred to specially trained counselors and victim advocates, and that the victim is aware of all accommodations and options regarding the campus process. For more information, visit or call the Title IX office, (914) 251-5992 or (914) 251-5982.
  • Purchase College Community Partners Some survivors prefer to seek assistance initially from an off-campus agency. Either of our community partners, My Sisters Place, (914) 683-1333, or Victims Assistance Services, (914) 345-3113, are ready to help.

How can victims hold perpetrators responsible?

Victims can hold perpetrators responsible by seeking support from those in the college and in the community who are experienced with providing assistance and emotional support while at the same time pursuing whatever enforcement process, criminal or college, that the victim chooses.

The college is committed to supporting victims while pursuing perpetrators to the full extent of college policy and/or the law as chosen by the victim. College disciplinary actions are confidential and are less lengthy than criminal proceedings, but they must be pursued with full understanding that the due process rights of perpetrators will be protected. The college is committed to working with our community partners in the Office of the Westchester County District Attorney and to doing everything we can support victims who choose to pursue criminal prosecution