Grievance and Investigation Procedures

Filing a Sexual Harassment or Assault Report

Any member of the Purchase College community that is involved in sexual misconduct, sex discrimination, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking incidents, have options for  reporting.

Filing a Report when the accused is a student

For students can file a report with the Title IX Office, Office of Community Standards or the University Police Department involving an alleged violation related to sexual misconduct, sex discrimination, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking, the disciplinary process will proceed as follows:

Fact-finding investigation

In cases related to sexual misconduct, sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence (Title IX), a fact-finding inquiry will be conducted by the Title IX coordinator or designee. This fact-finding phase will include interviews with accused student(s), complainant(s)/reporting parties, witnesses, and anyone who may have information related to the alleged incident. The information gathered through these interviews will be documented. 

Interim Measures and Accommodations

Interim measures and accommodations are put in place to ensure safety, prevent retaliation, and avoid an ongoing hostile environment. During the fact-finding and investigatory phase, the college will implement appropriate remediation measures. including but not limited to, interim suspension, housing, or academic accommodations, and/or No Contact Orders to ensure the safety of the college community.

Types of Interim Accommodations: 

  • Academic Accommodations
  • Residence and Housing Accommodations
  • Disciplinary/Safety Accommodations

Interim Accommodations:

Any party (the accuser, the accused, bystander etc.) has the right to:
  • request that an interim measure or accommodation be implemented;
  • challenge the assignment of an interim measure or accommodation;
  • present information/evidence to support their request or their challenge of the interim measure or accommodation

How to request Interim Accommodations: 

Parties may request a prompt review of the need for an interim measure or accommodation.  Interested parties who wish to request an interim measure or accommodation as a result of sexual misconduct, harassment or assault should contact the Office of Title IX and Affirmative Action at  Interested parties who wish to request a No Contact Order should email the Office of Community Standards at

How to Challenge an Interim Accommodation:

If a student wishes to challenge or modify a interim suspension or other accommodations, please contact the Office of Title IX and Affirmative Action at If a student wishes present information that would challenge or modify their No Contact Order, they should email the Office of Community Standards at for additional information. 

While reporting individuals may request accommodations through any of the offices referenced here, the College’s Sexual Violence and Prevention and Response policy, Protection and Accommodations, has more information regarding interim accommodations. 

 For questions about interim measures and accommodations, please contact the Title IX Investigator or the Title IX Coordinator.

Complaint received/application of charges

When a complaint is received related to sexual misconduct, sex discrimination, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking and after the completion of a thorough investigation the complaint may be forwarded to the Office of Community Standards for processing and adjudication. If the college proceeds with the application of charges under the Code of Conduct, the director of community standards or their designee will meet with both parties to discuss and explain the hearing process. If applied, the following are the relevant potential charges under the Student Code of Conduct:

C.3a Threatens, harasses, or intimidates any person. a. Uses words which reasonably tend to incite an immediate, violent reaction   and are specifically directed toward another individual (see also the college’s Affirmative Action and Sexual Harassment policies). Minimum: Disciplinary Probation     Maximum: Expulsion

C.8 Engages or attempts to engage in any sexual act toward any individual without consent including but not limited to fondling, exposing oneself, anal, oral, vaginal penetration, or sexual intercourse with someone who is physically helpless (e.g. drunk and/or under the influence of a substance or substances rendering them helpless), unconscious, or otherwise incapacitated or unable to accurately communicate. Minimum: Suspension     Maximum: Expulsion

Hearing/appeals processes and outcome notification

For more information on student conduct policies, hearing/appeals processes, and outcome notifications involving complaints related to Title IX, please visit Office of Community Standards website.


In consideration of the traumatic nature of incidents of sexual/physical aggressive/violent behavior, the college will conduct a timely review of complaints of sexual misconduct, sex discrimination, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking. Absent extenuating circumstances, review and resolution is expected to take place within a reasonable timeframe.

NOTE: Reports filed with a resident assistant (RA) or residence coordinator (RC) are automatically sent to the Office of Community Standards for review.

Filing a Report with the University Police

Students involved in sexual misconduct, sex discrimination, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking incidents, can file reports with University Police. Once a report is received, the incident is promptly investigated by the police and the information is shared with the Office of Student Affairs/Community Standards and the Title IX coordinator. The sharing of information allows for legal and/or administrative action to take place.

The University Police can assist you in pressing criminal charges through the Westchester County Court System. Please call University Police at (914) 251-6900 (general) or (914) 251-6911 (emergency) for additional information.

Filing a Report when the accused is a staff or faculty member of Purchase College

Students (as well as college employees) involved in sexual misconduct, sex discrimination, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking incidents by a college employee, have the following options to report:

Filing a Complaint with the Affirmative Action Officer/Title IX Investigator or Coordinator

Sexual harassment and sexual assault are considered a form of sex discrimination and are therefore means to file a Discrimination Complaint through the Affirmative Action Officer/Title IX Investigator or Coordinator.

Filing a Report with University Police or External Law Enforcement

See information above.

If the accused is not a member of the Purchase College community (staff member, student, etc.), a persona non grata (PNG) status can be issued through the University Police. A PNG status prohibits the individual from coming onto campus. A violation of this order can result in a criminal trespassing arrest.