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Faculty Pedagogy Fellows

The Teaching, Learning and Technology Center seeks applications from faculty across disciplines for the Faculty Pedagogy Fellows program. The goals of this program are to:

  • Promote evidence-based teaching practices and pedagogical innovation across campus
  • Provide faculty professional development opportunities in teaching, learning, and assessment
  • Build connections and community among faculty focused on pedagogy

Up to 3 Fellows will be selected each semester. Fellows will receive one course release during the semester they serve in order to:

  • Deliver workshops, seminars, talks, and other programming for faculty colleagues on teaching topics
  • Provide confidential classroom observations and feedback for interested faculty
  • Curate resources and run a faculty learning community on a teaching topic of interest
    (Current preferred areas of focus for the Faculty Pedagogy Fellows include inclusive teaching, new faculty mentoring, supporting course/program assessment, or promoting the adoption/adaptation of open educational resources, but other focus areas will also be considered)
  • Write a summary report on their work and its impact at the end of the semester

To apply, faculty should submit:

  • CV summarizing teaching experience and professional development
  • 1 page statement of interest describing their pedagogical experience, topics/ideas for faculty workshops and programming, and what they hope to gain from the fellowship
  • Sample syllabus from a course they teach

Applications will be reviewed by the TLTC Director and a committee of faculty/staff. Fellows will be selected based on their potential to provide impactful programming that serves faculty needs in pedagogy across disciplines.

The application deadline is March 15 for Fall semester appointments and October 15 for Spring semester appointments.

Please submit application materials to TLTC.director@purchase.edu.