Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Sustainability Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Current estimates show that nearly 690 million people are hungry, or 8.9 percent of the world population—up by 10 million people in one year and by nearly 60 million in five years. Learn more at un.org

Rectangle in gold

What We’re Doing

Ways to Get Involved


  • Purchase offers classes related to hunger reduction. Check out courses in Liberal Studies to learn more*

*Contact us if you want your department course page listed

What Else We’re Doing

  • The Office of Residential and Student Life hosts a Food Drive at the end of the semester to collect unused pantry items from student residences to help fill the Pantry and eliminate food waste
  • EOP/MAP provides a $300 food stipend for students involved in their summer program
  • The Advising Center works with students to ensure they have time in their academic schedules for meals
  • Chartwells has a nutritionist consultant that comes in regularly throughout the school year for students
  • The Health Services Office provides individual eating disorder consulting
  • The Office of Residential and Student Life has regular food-related programming (recipe ideas, food market bingo, etc.)
  • EOP/MAP provides assistance to students applying for food stamps
  • EOP/MAP and the Advising Center have conversations around nutrition, diet, and other food related topics including how student success is related to zero hunger