Purchase College Senate
The College Senate and its standing committees function as the representative decision-making bodies of the college, embracing processes of shared governance, whereby faculty, staff, administrative, and student representatives formally and openly communicate, share responsibility, and take cooperative action on matters of importance to the college.
Executive Committee
Voting Members
- Senate Chair/Faculty Presiding Officer: Dan Hanessian
- Senate Vice Chair—Professional Staff Council: Christine Attanasio
- Senate Vice Chair—Purchase Student Government Association: Me’ilani Nelson
- Senate Secretary: Elizabeth Elvira
- Senate Parliamentarian:
- Past Chair: N/A
- Budget Planning and Assessment Committee Chair: Dan Hanessian
- Strategic Planning and Assessment Committee Chair: Kelly Jackson
- Instructional Technology Advisory Committee Chair: Megan Rossman
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Chair: Janis Astor del Valle
- Sustainability Advisory and Outreach Committee Chair: Allyson Jackson
- University Faculty Senator: Meagan Curtis
Non-Voting Members
- Educational Policies Committee: Gaura Narayan