Committee Vacancies

The Professional Staff Council is seeking nominations for the following staff positions: 

Opportunities to get involved in campus governance are posted below.  We hope you will consider serving. Staff, elected to PSC, Purchase College Senate, and their respective standing committees, work with colleagues from across the college and develop important leadership and collaboration skills.

Please send PSC President-Delegate, Betsy Aldredge, the names of your nominees and she will reach out to confirm interest. All nominees will be asked to submit a short bio, as well as a sentence or two explaining their interest in the position.

Open Positions:

Standing Committees of the Senate:

The Budget Planning and Assessment Committee (BPAC) is looking to fill one (1) vacancy.

The Budget Planning and Assessment Committee (BPAC) shall function as a thought partner and advisory body to the Senate and President of Purchase College for budgetary matters on behalf of the college community, providing an inclusive and open public forum for the review, development, discussion, and ongoing evaluation of campus strategic initiatives.

In the spirit of collaboration and informed by Purchase College’s Strategic Plan, the BPAC will work closely with and support the campus community to evaluate, review, and recommend prioritization of strategic initiatives that have budgetary impact on the College. BPAC shall collaborate with the Strategic Planning and Assessment Committee to link the strategic plan and other institutional planning to the budget processes of the college. The BPAC shall conduct ongoing evaluation of campus initiatives and opportunities as they are developed and implemented in order to assess the short and long‐term financial impact on the overall financial health of the College.

Standing Committees of the PSC:


The Professional Staff Council (PSC) is looking to fill the role of President Designate.

The President Designate shall:

  1. Serve on the Executive Board.

  2. Preside over meetings, both PSC and Executive Board, in the absence of the president.

  3. Shadow the president and perform other functions at the request of the president or Executive Board.

  4. Oversee the nominations and elections of members of the standing committees of the PSC.

  5. Oversee the nominations and elections of the PSC representatives to Purchase College Senate and campus committees as appropriate.

  6. Serve as the primary liaison to the Professional Development Committee.

  7. Assume duties of the treasurer when necessary.

The Professional Staff Council (PSC) is looking to fill the role of Treasurer.

The treasurer shall:

1. Serve on the Executive Board.
2. Prepare and keep accurate records of all revenues and expenditures of the PSC, and report to the membership as required by the Bylaws.
3. Prepare written beginning and end-of-year reports on annual revenues and expenditures of the PSC. These reports will be made available to the college president, the PSC Executive Board, and the PSC membership in September and May.
4. Handle all procurement needs for the PSC.
5. Investigate grant funding and professional development opportunities to support staff development.
6. Manage the budget for the professional development awards.