Proxy Access

Students can allow their parents, guardians, or others access to elements of their student record through myHeliotrope by granting them Proxy Access.

Those who are given proxy access will be permitted to view information in the student account by accessing myHeliotrope through their personal e-mail address. Students can control which parts of their records will be visible to each proxy account and can update, manage, or remove proxy access at any time.

Log in to Proxy Access 

Activating a Proxy Account

When a student adds you as a proxy, you will receive an e-mail with the subject “New proxy identity” containing an account activation link and an Action Password. Follow the activation link and enter your e-mail address the Action Password in the PIN field.

On the next page, enter your e-mail address. In the Old PIN field, re-enter the Action Password from the activation e-mail. In the Enter New PIN field, enter a new, unique numeric PIN of your choosing, 6-15 characters long. Re-enter this new PIN in the Validate PIN field.

After you have established your PIN, you are ready to use your Proxy Access account.

Using Proxy Access

After logging in for the first time, you will be prompted to complete some profile information. Complete this information to the best of your ability. Required fields are marked with red asterisks.

You can access the pages the student has authorized you to view by clicking on the name of the student at the top of your profile and scrolling down. You may click on any of the pages under Proxy Authorizations to view the information. The page will open in a new window or tab.