Career Preparation

Whether your student selects study in the liberal arts, sciences, the arts, or pre-professional programs, career exploration is an important and integral part of the college experience.

Career Readiness

Discovering a career direction becomes a students’ new focus and challenge. Your student’s successful transition into a career and ultimate independence can be greatly enhanced with your support of their career exploration and decision-making process.

Students may explore their career thoughts through various applied or experiential learning, i.e. through class projects, internships, or service learning. Keep in mind that your student may not yet have all the specific occupational information necessary to make a career choice, therefore these applied experiences will help them develop valuable skills and insight into themselves and possible careers.

Learn more about Career Readiness at Purchase.

Career Development Center

The Career Development Center site has valuable information about how they can help students with choosing a major and making decisions about careers. Discover the array of career tools and programs available to students exploring careers.

They can even join a mentor network of alumni prepared to answer questions and offer insight from the other side. And Career Development staff can help navigate the process to secure an internship.

And you can help their efforts by sharing job or internship leads with their office.