Our Hours Today:

EverFi Courses

Purchase College has partnered with EverFi to help students address critical life skills such as alcohol abuse prevention and sexual assault prevention in higher education institutions across the country.  Each year over 5 million students and employees complete these courses.

Required Courses

As part of our comprehensive prevention program all students are required to complete AlcoholEdu, CannabisEdu, and the Sexual Assault Prevention courses. These online courses will empower you to make well informed decisions about issues that affect your college years and beyond. If you need assistance with the assigned courses, please email saf.everfi@purchase.edu.

AlcoholEdu & Cannabis Edu

AlcoholEdu and CannabisEdu are interactive online programs designed to reduce the negative consequences of alcohol and cannabis use among students. These online courses will empower students to make well-informed decisions about substance use and their behaviors.

Sexual Assault Prevention

The Sexual Assault Prevention course is the premier online program addressing the critical issues of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, and sexual harassment – among students, faculty, and staff.

Incoming Students for the Fall Semester

  • You will receive an email in mid-July with your assigned courses
  • The email will be sent to you by ‘Purchase College - Administrator’ with the subject line “EverFi Required Educational Course Assignment ”
  • You must complete Part 1 and Part 2 of each of your assigned courses

Incoming Students for the Spring Semester

  • You will receive an email in mid-December/early-January with your assigned courses
  • The email will be sent to you by ‘Purchase College - Administrator’ with the subject line “EverFi Required Educational Course Assignment ”
  • You must complete Part 1 and Part 2 of each of your assigned courses

Returning Students

  • You will receive an email in mid-July with your assigned courses
  • The email will be sent to you by ‘Purchase College - Administrator’ with the subject line “EverFi Required Educational Course Assignment ”
  • You must complete Part 1 and Part 2 of each of your assigned courses
Important things to remember
  • To log into Vector Solutions and EverFi platform (link), please use Single Sign On (SSO) which will require your Purchase username and password and DUO authentication (link)
  • If you are classified as a student athlete, you will also need to complete the Sexual Assault Prevention for Athletes course as specified in the emails you receive in addition to your other assigned courses
  • You must get a score of 80 or higher on Part 1 of your assigned AlcoholEdu or CannabisEdu course in order for it to qualify as completed
  • Approximately 30-45 days after you complete Part 1, you will need to sign back in and complete Part 2 of the courses by the deadline specified in the emails you received
  • Depending on your pace, Part 1 of most courses will take 30 min – 1 hour and Part 2 of every course only takes 10-15 minutes
  • Courses will save your progress if you need to stop and return later
  • The course will not work on a tablet or phone, so be sure to use a desktop or laptop computer
  • The system works best when using Google Chrome
  • If you have any accessibility issues, please select “accessibility mode” once you are in the course
  • Should you experience problems in the courses, technical support is available 24/7 and can be accessed from the “Help” link within the course

If you need assistance with AlcoholEdu and/or the Sexual Assault Prevention courses, please email saf.everfi@purchase.edu.