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Our Hours Today:
8:30am - 5:00 pm

Purchase College Sustainability Coalition

Mission: The Purchase College Sustainability Coalition will connect with local businesses and organizations with the shared value of sustainability to promote a sense of community and advance sustainable practices.

Purchase College used to be a member of the Westchester Green Business Partnership (WGBP). The WGBP offered green certification and provided a space for local businesses and organizations to connect and share ideas centered around sustainability. In 2021, the WGBP closed its doors.  This left a hole in the local sustainability community, one that Purchase College’s Sr Energy Manager and Sustainability Coordinator tried to fill by creating the Purchase College Sustainability Coalition (PCSC).

The PCSC’s main goal is to provide a space for collaboration and learning. We meet about once a month, usually over Zoom. Typically, the meeting format is as follows: we have a main presentation followed by a member spotlight presentation, where PCSC members have the opportunity to promote their business and teach the other members about their best sustainable practices. While we do not offer green certification, we can certainly direct members interested in certification to businesses that do.

Next meeting date:


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