Our Hours Today:
8:30am - 5:00 pm

For Employees

As faculty and staff, there are many opportunities to become a more sustainable member of the Purchase community. 

We all contribute to the College’s footprint and we can make a difference by making changes in our offices.

Employees and students planting perennials outside of the Music building.



























As an employee, you can:

  • Learn to recycle properly in our waste management system. You can submit a work order for recycling bins or signage if not in your office!
  • Remember to bring your own reusables such as coffee mugs, water bottles, silverware and bags. On campus coffee locations will give you a $0.10 discount for bringing your own mug. 
  • Conserve energy in your work space by turning off unnecessary lights and utilizing natural light whenever possible, activating your computer’s hibernation mode and powering down at the end of the work day, shutting off power strips, unplugging unused electronics and installing LED bulbs in your desk lamps. 
  • If you are responsible for coordinating and hosting an event, use the Green Events Guide to make your event sustainable!
  • If you are able, green your commute by taking public transportation, biking, walking or carpooling with 511NY RideShare. 
  • Apply for a GreenFee grant to implement a sustainability initiative or project in your office space.
  • Join and attend the Sustainability Advisory and Outreach Committee meetings to be involved in large sustainability measures across campus. You do not have to be a voting member of the SAOC to attend meetings.
  • Invite the Sustainability Coordinator to present to your office and share information about current sustainability initiatives, how to get involved and for any collaboration projects. 
  • Stay informed of events, news, and tips by signing up for the Sustainability Newsletter below and following us on Instagram

If you are a faculty member, you can also make a difference by integrating sustainability into your courses. As a member institution of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), all campus members have access to resources and workshops. You can access the members-only areas of their site by creating an account using your Purchase email. If you are already teaching courses or doing research on sustainability, please let us know so we can make sure you are included in our course list and faculty research list.