Clubs and Organizations

Three smiling students sit behind a table So many options, so little time! 

Campus life at Purchase breathes on the involvement and activities of our clubs and organizations. There are tons of ways to get involved, keep a flexible schedule, and make a lot of great memories! 

Student Involvement and Club Fair

At the start of each fall and spring semester, The Office of Residential and Student Life and The Purchase Student Government Association (PSGA) host a huge event for all students to learn about the different clubs, organizations, and involvement opportunities at Purchase.

Recognized student organizations and clubs can recruit new members while students learn about the many recognized clubs and organizations they can join. More than 60 clubs, organizations, and offices are typically represented.

PantherLink Platform

The PSGA uses the platform PantherLink to manage clubs and student-run services on campus.

PantherLink provides information on how to:

  • Join student clubs
  • Contact officers of the clubs and student-run services
  • View meeting times
  • Read news articles posted by clubs and student-run services
  • Find PSGA events
  • Apply to start your own club!

All you have to do is:

  1. Visit Pantherlink
  2. Sign in with your Purchase ID and Password
  3. You’re in!  

Full List of Clubs and Organizations

Please visit PantherLink or the Campus Life page.

Top Reasons to Join a Club or Organization

Social Interaction

They are a great way to meet great people and have a lot of fun.


You will have the opportunity to meet and network with other people with similar interests and connect with campus leadership.

Promote Awareness

Help promote education and awareness about various causes close to your heart.


Give back to others and make a difference.

Extra Curricular

They look great on applications and resumes.


Members in clubs/organizations will be encouraging and supportive of your personal growth and your leadership development.

Whatever your reason is, you owe it to yourself to try and join at least one!