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1098-T and Tax Payer Information

Download / Print 1098-T FAQ’s Tax Benefits

2024 1098-T forms will be mailed out by ESCI no later than January 31st 2025. 

This document is mailed to the student’s mailing address if provided, otherwise the permanent address is used.  

1098-T Download/Print

Beginning March 1, 2024, students will be required to create an ECSI profile to access the electronic version of the 1098-T form.

  1. Click here to go to Heartland ESCI
  2. Register for a new account (if you already have an account, you can log in with that information)
  3. You will be returned to the sign-in page to access the account
  4. The first time you go to access the form, you will need to connect your account to a Heartland Key
  • On Your School Accounts page, click on the Connect An Account tile
  • Under Search for Heartland Account, select “Click Here” next to the For 1098-T Forms prompt
  • Continue to follow the prompts and security feature
  • At the bottom, click on “Find My Heartland Key”. If a Heartland Key exists based on the taxpayer information, it will populate in the Heartland Key field under the Connect An Account section on the left side of the page.
  1. If you cannot connect a Heartland Key, please contact ECSI at (866) 428-1098.

Please note that Purchase College and its employees cannot provide tax information, assistance or advice.

Frequently Asked 1098-T Questions

Tax Benefits for Higher Education

The following information was prepared to inform students about tax benefits which they and their families may be eligible to receive. It is based upon our understanding of the laws and should not be considered an official document. S

tudents should rely upon the advice of their tax accountant or the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as appropriate. Colleges and Universities are unable to provide students and families with tax advice. For assistance, please contact a tax professional or refer to IRS Publication 970 (Tax Benefits for Higher Education) can befound here.

The IRS Publication 970 has been revised for 2012 tax returns. You may review information on the IRS website in the Tax Benefits for Education: Information Center here to find more information and updates.