The Research Foundation for SUNY
All applications for sponsored program support are made by Purchase College through the Research Foundation for the State University of New York, also known as the Research Foundation for SUNY, RF-SUNY, RF or SUNY-RF.
It is the largest, most comprehensive university-connected research foundation in the country, supporting nearly $1 billion in SUNY research activity annually.
- Research Foundation Portal
- Research Foundation Fact Sheet
- Research Foundation Strategic Plan
- Agreement Between State University of New York and The Research Foundation for The State University of New York – June 1, 1977 (PDF)
The president of each campus designates one person to serve as the RF operations manager, who oversee all aspects of research on their campuses and serve as liaisons between the campus and the Research Foundation Board of Directors’ Committee on Research, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation. Purchase College’s RF interim operations manager is Michael DeGrazia. He has the authority to approve applications that will be submitted on behalf of the Research Foundation for Purchase College, manage RF functions on the campus, and oversee campus compliance.
From time to time, the RF provides funding open to SUNY faculty. The Office of Sponsored Research sends these funding opportunities out to faculty and staff, as applicable.
RF policies include:
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Electronic Records Management Policy
- Fringe Benefits Costs Recovery Policy
- Indirect Costs Recovery Policy
- Monitoring of Subrecipients Policy
- Patents and Inventions Policy of the State University of New York
- State University of New York Copyright Policy
- Protection of Intellectual Property Policy
- Computer Software Policy
- Guidelines for Implementing Federal Cost Accounting Standards