Transcript Notations

In compliance with New York State Law, Purchase College will note on the academic transcript of students found responsible for violations of the Purchase College Code of Conduct equivalent to the Clery Act Part I crimes (as updated by the Violence Against Women Act) that a student was “suspended after a finding of responsibility for a code of conduct violation” or “expelled after a finding of responsibility for a code of conduct violation” if the student receives either of those sanctions after a finding of responsibility.

The crimes which would require this notation currently include: murder; rape, fondling, incest and statutory rape; robbery; aggravated assault; burglary; motor vehicle theft; manslaughter; and arson;dating violence; domestic violence; and stalking . Purchase College does not allow students to withdraw from the college with pending conduct charges.

A student may appeal to the vice president for student affairs, in writing, for removal of a notation that the student was suspended, no earlier than one year after the end date of the suspension. Notations indicating a student was expelled from Purchase College shall not be subject to removal and therefore cannot be appealed.

NY State Law:

“For crimes of violence, including but not limited to sexual violence, defined as crimes that meet the reporting requirements pursuant to the federal Clery Act established in 20 U.S.C. 1092(f)(1)(F)(i)(I)-(VIII), institutions shall make a notation on the transcript of students found responsible after a conduct process that they were “suspended after a finding of responsibility for a code of conduct violation” or “expelled after a finding of responsibility for a code of conduct violation.” For the respondent who withdraws from the institution while such conduct charges are pending and declines to complete the disciplinary process, institutions shall make a notation on the transcript of such students that they “withdrew with conduct charges pending.” Each institution shall publish a policy on transcript notations and appeals seeking removal of a transcript notation for a suspension, provided that such notation shall not be removed prior to one year after conclusion of the suspension, while notations for expulsion shall not be removed. If a finding of responsibility is vacated for any reason, any such transcript notation shall be removed.”