Interim Measures and Accommodations

  • Interim measures and accommodations are put in place to ensure safety, prevent retaliation, and avoid an ongoing hostile environment. During the fact-finding and investigatory phase, the college will implement appropriate remediation measures. including but not limited to, interim suspension, housing, or academic accommodations, and/or No Contact Orders to ensure the safety of the college community.

    Types of Interim Accommodations:

    • Academic Accommodations
    • Residence and Housing Accommodations
    • Disciplinary/Safety Accommodations

    Interim Accommodations:

    Any party (the accuser, the accused, bystander etc.) has the right to:

    • request that an interim measure or accommodation be implemented;
    • challenge the assignment of an interim measure or accommodation;
    • present information/evidence to support their request or their challenge of the interim measure or accommodation

    If a student wishes present information that would challenge or modify their interim suspension or No Contact Order, they should email the Office of Community Standards at for additional information. To challenge or modify any other accommodations, please contact the Office of Title IX and Affirmative Action at

    How to request Interim Accommodations:

    Parties may request a prompt review of the need for and terms of any interim measures and accommodations that directly affect them. 

    • When the accused is a student and presents a continuing threat to the health and safety of the community, to have the accused subject to interim suspension pending the outcome of a conduct process. The Office of Student Affairs Policies can provide more information regarding interim suspensions.
    • When parties are students, to have the college issue a “No Contact Order,” consistent with college policy and procedure, meaning that continuing to contact the protected individual is a violation of college policy subject to additional conduct charges; if the accused and a protected person observe each other in a public place, it is the responsibility of the accused to leave the area immediately and without directly contacting the protected person. Both the accused/respondent and reporting individual may request a prompt review of the need for and terms of a No Contact Order, consistent with Purchase College policy. Parties may submit evidence in support of their request. The Office of Community Standards can provide more information regarding No Contact Orders.
    • When the accused is not a student but is a member of the college community and presents a continuing threat to the health and safety of the community, to subject the accused to interim measures in accordance with applicable collective bargaining agreements, employee handbooks, and Purchase College policies and rules.
    • When the accused is not a member of the college community, to have assistance from University Police or other college officials in obtaining a persona non grata letter, subject to legal requirements and college policy.

    While reporting individuals may request accommodations through any of the offices referenced here, the College’s Sexual Violence and Prevention and Response policy, Protection and Accommodations, has more information regarding interim accommodations.

    For questions about interim measures and accommodations, please contact the Title IX Investigator or the Title IX Coordinator.