Our Hours Today:
9:00am - 5:00pm

Paperless Course Withdrawal

Students can send clear picture of a completed course withdrawal form or copy and paste this text, fill out the required information, and send it from your Purchase account to Registrar@purchase.edu.

I would like to withdraw from the following course:
Course Title:
Number of credits I will be registered for after this withdrawal:

 Before You Send:

  • If you’re going from full-time to part-time study: Copy Financial Services on the email (FinancialServices@purchase.edu)
  • Athletes: Copy Christopher Bisignano, Athletic director on the email (Christopher.Bisignano@purchase.edu)

  • International students: You are required by U.S. Government regulations to inform a Designated School Official PRIOR to dropping below full time status (12 credits for undergraduates, 9 credits for graduates). Failure to do so may jeopardize your current visa status and/or your ability to obtain a U.S. visa in the future. Contact the Office of International Program and Services (international@purchase.edu or 914-251-6032) before submitting this form.


Important information:

  • Check your grades on myHeliotrope to verify that the W grade has been processed.
  • Not staying full time (attempting less than 12 credits in a semester – 9 for graduate students) may affect financial aid. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the implications this withdrawal may have on eligibility for various types of financial aid.