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8:30 am - 5:00 pm


 Proposals due November 19, 2015: Legislative Advisor

Proposals due July 23, 2015: Design, Development, and Deployment of College Website

Proposals due July 23, 2015: Solar Power Purchase Power Agreement

Proposals due June 23, 2015: Fabrication and Installation of New Campus Wayfinding Signage

Proposals due June 10, 2015: Architectural and Engineering Services for Green Infrastructure Grant Project

Proposals due June 2, 2015: Architectural and Engineering Services for the Olde Dormitory Exterior Rehabilitation Project 

Proposals due April 17, 2015: Food Service Management

Proposals due April 16, 2015: Heritage Site Programming Study

Proposals due March 25, 2015: Campus Bookstore Services 

Proposals due March 20, 2015: Fabrication and Installation of New Campus Wayfinding Signage

Proposals due January 20, 2015: New Mailroom and Receiving Renovation Project

Proposals due January 9, 2015: Student Retention Analytics Solution

Proposals due January 5, 2016: Air Conditioning Upgrade in Dimmer Rooms A, B, C and D in Performing Arts Center Building