Faculty are invited to submit proposals to become a TAPROOT Fellow. Applicants may come from diverse fields such as: art history, visual arts, dance, film and media studies, music, theater, and the intersections between and among all visual and performing arts, including the Neuberger Museum.
Selected proposals will:
Integrate new technologies into the curriculum to enhance teaching and creative practice.
Expand cross-disciplinary Arts programs, fostering collaboration across artistic disciplines and with other academic areas on campus.
Increase student access to advanced technologies to support innovative creative work.
Align with and promote faculty curricular goals, enhancing educational outcomes for students.
The Proposal
Proposals should detail how the initiative integrates art and technology in innovative ways, fostering interdisciplinary and cross-departmental collaboration. Applicants should clearly outline the project’s objectives, including how it will create new academic opportunities that enhance students’ technological literacy and creative skills. The description should address how the project promotes accessibility, ensuring all students have equitable access to advanced technologies for their creative work.
The proposal should demonstrate how the project aligns with the TAPROOT goals of expanding cross-disciplinary arts curricula, bridging traditional and modern forms of artistic expression, and preparing students for careers in tech-infused creative fields. The narrative should also include a clear timeline, methodology, and anticipated outcomes, emphasizing how the project will contribute to the broader integration of technology and arts within the curriculum. Applicants should articulate how the project will address challenges in technology adoption and foster sustainable, impactful change in arts education.
There are two types of fellows—individual and collaborative. Both are interested in collaborating, building emerging technologies into their courses, and teaching students how to use those technologies as tools in the creative process. Twelve TAPROOT Fellows will be appointed over the course of the project: three cohorts of four faculty members each. The term will be for one academic year.
Intended for individuals ($5K each) that want to develop skills using technology
Expected to take courses (Coursera certificates) and attend peer led workshops
Revise/create course using skills learned
Encourage student engagement with the interactive media arts lab
Assessment of course
Up to three collaborators ($5K each)
Revise/create a course(s)
Encourage student engagement with the interactive media arts lab
Assessment of course
Integrated experience(s)
$6K additional support for supplies per project;
Passage Gallery
Senior projects
Symposia participation
Please describe how you intend to develop the curriculum in order to meet the mission and goals of the Project. How might students be engaged and what are your plans for teaching and assessing the course.
Full time tenured and/or tenure track faculty members in any unit of the college are eligible to apply.
The grant funds are provided at the start of the next academic year; September 1, 2025 through August 31, 2026.
Please assemble all materials and submit them together electronically to your academic area directors for their endorsement; incomplete submissions cannnot be accepted.
current CV
completed proposal, including a statement of its significance to the individual’s professional development and role in the college. The anticipated results of the project should be clearly defined, with a discussion of their scholarly, artistic, and/or pedagogical importance.