Fishbein Junior Faculty Research Award Recipients

Stephen Harris, PhD; Assistant Professor of Biology
Funding towards travel to Vietnam  to conduct research for “Genome Sequencing” which focuses on using portable molecular labs to generate genomic resources from museum specimens and build science capacity.

Hakan Topal, Assistant Professor of New Media and Art+Design
Funding toward travel to Middle East, Africa and South Asia (MENASA) to conduct research for a project, “East++, Institute for New Artistic Inquiry” which focuses on alternative contemporary art and culture in these countries countries.


Christian Bailey, Assistant Professor of History
Funding toward travel to Israel, Germany, and Austria to conduct archival research for a book project, provisionally titled The Stranger Who Dwells with You: Love between Jews and other Germans, 1874–1968.


Megan Curtis, Assistant Professor of Psychology
Funding for interdisciplinary research in music and neuroscience. The funding will enable Curtis to further examine the efficacy of the perceptual training program she has developed to improve pitch perception and, consequently, the ability to identify emotion in speech. Some of the funding will support her training in the use of newly acquired EEG equipment. This investment will go a long way in helping Curtis to further her own scholarship and enable her students to conduct meaningful research well into the future.


Stephen Flusberg, Assistant Professor of Psychology
In support of research on people’s reasoning about mental health. He has proposed a well-thought-out plan for extending his research in this area. The Fishbein award will allow him to run a large initial study, do a series of follow-up studies with his seniors, and support his students’ travel and attendance at a national conference to share the results of the research they conduct together.


Lorraine Plourde, Assistant Professor of Media, Society, and the Arts
Support for the final stages of research needed to complete her book manuscript, Sound, Noise, Silence: Listening for the Avant-Garde in Recessionary Tokyo, an in-depth ethnography of Tokyo’s contemporary experimental music community.


Jason A. Pine, Assistant Professor of Media, Society, and the Arts
Field research support for his book manuscript, Drugs, Bodies, Design: Methamphetamine and the Biopolitics of Performance Enhancement, and to cover anticipated publishing costs. The University of Minnesota Press, where another of his book manuscripts is currently in press, has reviewed his proposal for Drugs, Bodies, Design and expressed its intention to contract the manuscript for publication.


In recognition of two outstanding faculty proposals, the Professional Standards and Awards Committee decided to split the Fishbein award:

Laura Chmielewski, Assistant Professor of History
To complete her study, God and the Sea: Religious Culture and Maritime Enterprise in Early America (working title), “a geographically expansive study that examines representative communities from Quebec to New Orleans” from 1607 to 1820, which “focuses attention on the underexplored world of lived religion as fashioned by dependence on the sea.”

Mary Kosut, Assistant Professor of Media, Society, and the Arts
To complete her work on Buzz: The Culture and Politics of Bees, under contract with New York University Press. Buzz “investigates the dynamic community of urban beekeepers living throughout the five boroughs of New York City and also examines how bees are meaningful to different people.”


Nancy Zook, Assistant Professor of Psychology
To conduct a series of studies that will examine whether or not meditation practices result in changes in performance on executive functions tasks.


Ahmed Afzal, Assistant Professor of Anthropology
To conduct an ethnographic study of Pakistani and Indian mass media in the United States, resulting in a book tentatively titled Transnational Lives and the Cultural Politics of Pakistani & Indian Mass Media in the United States.