Reporting and Initial Conference
Any member or recognized group of the College community may file a report alleging a violation of College policy whenever it is believed that a behavior warrants attention of the campus conduct system. Reports of violations of standards of academic integrity should be filed with the chair of the Academic Integrity Committee.
Important Note: All second offense cases require a mandatory hearing before the Academic Integrity Committee. Instructors/complainants should file the proper paperwork and check with the Chair of Academic Integrity to determine if the allegations would constitute the student’s first or second offense.
Notification Process
An instructor or other complainant who finds evidence of academic dishonesty shall take the following actions:
- Notify the student of the charge in writing, using the “Academic Integrity Notification form,” available under Academic Integrity: Forms and Resources. Forward the form to the chair of the Academic Integrity Committee.
- Notify the student of the time, date, and place of the initial conference, such conference to occur within a minimum of two business days notice and preferably not more than seven days.
- *Conduct an initial conference with the student following the guidelines under the Office of Community Standards: Notification of Charges and Initial Conference. Note that third parties may not be present at the initial conference.
*In academic integrity cases within a course, the instructor serves in the capacity of the “initial conference officer.” For cases occurring outside a course or reported by a complainant who is not an instructor of record, a hearing before the Academic Integrity Committee is required, even if the case constitutes a first offense.
Possible Outcomes of Initial Conference
Student does not appear:
The accused student may elect not to appear, at which time all statements contained in the specification of charges shall be considered true and accurate. The instructor/complainant then:
- Assigns appropriate academic sanction(s) as outlined in Section A: Academic Integrity of the Student Code of Conduct
- Completes an “Academic Integrity Resolution form,” available under Academic Integrity: Forms and Resources.
- Sends one copy of the resolution form to the student and;
- Forwards other copies and supporting evidence, retaining copies, to the chair of the Academic Integrity Committee.
- The instructor/complainant may also choose to refer the case to the Academic Integrity Committee with a recommendation for additional disciplinary sanctions (e.g., suspension or expulsion).
Charges are dropped:
If, during the initial conference, in the judgment of the instructor/complainant, the evidence does not support the allegation, he or she may elect to drop the charges.
- Completes an “Academic Integrity Resolution form,” available under Academic Integrity: Forms and Resources.
- Marks the option for dropping the charges.
- Sends one copy of the resolution form to the student and;
- Forwards other copies and supporting evidence, retaining copies, to the chair of the Academic Integrity Committee.
Note: If charges are dropped, the allegation does not constitute an offense. Case files and documents will be retained but will indicate that there was no evidence of a violation.
Student accepts responsibility and sanctions:
The accused student may accept responsibility for the charges pending against him or her. He or she may waive the right to a hearing before the Academic Integrity Committee and agree to accept the sanction determined by the instructor/complainant, who:
- Assigns an appropriate academic sanction(s) as outlined in Section A: Academic Integrity of the Student Code of Conduct
- Completes the “Academic Integrity Resolution form” and obtains the student’s signature on it, indicating waiver of the hearing and acceptance of the finding and the sanctions;
- Gives one copy of the resolution form to the student and;
- Forwards other copies and supporting evidence, retaining copies, to the chair of the Academic Integrity Committee.
Referral to a hearing before the Academic Integrity Committee:
If the student and the instructor/complainant disagree on whether a violation occurred or on the appropriate sanction, the student has a right to request a hearing before the Academic Integrity Committee. The instructor/complainant:
- Informs the student of the intention to assign an academic sanction(s) (e.g.: failing grade for the assignment, permanent failing grade for the course, etc.)
- Assigns a temporary grade of Incomplete (I) until the case is resolved. In cases pending during an academic recess, the instructor should contact the Registrar to file an Extended Incomplete.
- Completes and signs the “Academic Integrity Resolution form” and indicates that a hearing is required.
- Forwards it and supporting evidence, retaining copies, to the chair of the Academic Integrity Committee.
Filing and Record-Keeping
The Chair of Academic Integrity and the Campus Conduct Officer (Office of Community Standards) maintain a permanent, digital case file of all forms and documents submitted. The Academic Integrity Chair monitors all submissions to determine if the alleged violation would constitute a second offense, in which case a hearing would be mandated. Disciplinary sanctions (e.g. suspension and expulsion) and certain academic sanctions (e.g. permanent F) as well as the outcome of any academic integrity hearings are reported to the Conduct Officer by the Chair of Academic Integrity.
Case files are confidential and students are protected under the privacy rights outlined in Students Rights.