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President’s Award for Achievement

The President’s Awards for Achievement recognize the outstanding academic or creative accomplishments for each conservatory or school. 

The President’s Awards for Achievement recognize the outstanding academic or creative accomplishments for each conservatory or school. The recipients are selected by the faculty and represent the best of their graduating class. Exemplifying the spirit of Purchase College, the recipients of this award are aware of the need to use their art and knowledge in service to humanity, locally and globally.

The Abbott Kaplan Award is an annual President’s Award for Achievement. The award is named after the college’s first President, and honors students who have embraced interdisciplinarity in their academic program. The Abbott Kaplan Award recognizes a graduating senior in the liberal arts and sciences who has done distinguished work in the arts and/or a graduating senior in the arts who has excelled in the liberal arts and sciences.

President’s Award for Achievement

The information listed on this page is based on historical files available to the Office of the President. 

If you are aware of an inaccuracy or can provide information on missing winners, please e-mail pre.office@purchase.edu