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Crime Prevention

The New York State University Police Department is committed to investigating all reports of alleged crimes within the campus community.

We examine each alleged crime to determine if they should be additionally classified as hate or as bias crimes. Hate crimes are those crimes which are motivated by a bias against a particular individual or group based on perceived or actual personal characteristics such as ethnicity, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.

Please feel free to navigate this website for crime prevention and safety tips.

Tips for Safety

  • Attend a New York State University Police Department personal safety workshop for incoming Freshmen.
  • Report any suspicious persons or activity to the New York State University Police by calling directly (914) 251-6900.
  • Report any suspicious persons or activity by using one of the many Emergency Blue Light Phones.
  • Keep your room and suite doors locked at all times.
    • Prevents unwanted visitors
    • Prevents theft of property
  • Do not place coins in door latches: this prevents the door from locking.
  • Walk in groups of two or more and walk / jog in well-lit areas.
  • Lock your vehicles: avoid leaving items such as cell phones and laptops in plain view and consider bringing such items with you or placing them in the trunk.
  • Don’t leave purses / wallets / backpacks and laptops unattended.
  • Secure bicycles to bicycle racks throughout campus using a bike chain / lock.
  • Utilize R.A.V.E. or a walking escort provided by fellow students or the New York State University Police.
  • Keep car keys ready while walking to your car at night.
  • Permanently mark your property.
    • Read about the Operation Identification Program, which permanently engraves your property.
  • Avoid touching or interfering with wildlife.
  • Avoid drinking and driving: have a designated driver or take a cab.