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Student Housing Safety

There are five residence halls on campus housing approximately 1,486 students and three separate apartment complexes that house a total of approximately 1,200 students. All residence hall exterior doors are kept locked and the students of each respective complex are given keys for access.

University Police and Residential Life are jointly responsible for the development of procedures and programs to promote the greatest possible safety and security of the residence halls.

Educational programs on what residents can do to help themselves will be provided by Residential Life and University Police, as appropriate, to meet the goals of this policy. We exert every effort to assure the residence halls are free from uninvited visitors or guests, but it is necessary that residents take an active role in making sure strangers are reported to the hall staff or the University Police, and that doors are not propped open. Hall staff and residents are encouraged to challenge or report the presence of strangers in the residence halls.

All of our residence halls contain fire alarm systems that are integral parts of our fire safety program. Appropriate legal and disciplinary action will be taken against anyone who sends false alarms or tampers with these fire alarm systems. These actions endanger the safety of our campus community.

All visitors and guests must be accompanied by a resident host at all times. Resident hosts are held accountable for their guests’ actions.