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Police Bulletin

Helpful Information from the University Police Department.

Police Student Auxiliary Internship Program (PSAIP)

Apply on Purchase JobScore for PSAIP (Police Student Auxiliary Internship Program) at UPD Administrative and Communications Offices. This is a two credit internship. Anyone who is interested in enhancing the safety of your campus community are encouraged to apply.

For more information, call x5993 Community Policing and Education Unit (CPAEU), email cindy.markus@purchase.edu or simply click on the (CPAEU) icon.

Residential Security

Securing your living spaces takes a lot of work from everyone. Police officers patrol resident hall interiors and the pathways that surround apartment style housing on foot regularly. To enhance security we request that residents do not leave their room or apartment doors unlocked, or any property unattended. We also recommend that you label your belongings so that it’s easier to identify if they are lost or stolen. The CSO’s will conduct property etching events throughout the semester for your convenience.

Campus Visitors

The Police department enforces the College’s guest policy. Since 2012, the Police Department has conducted weekend late night safety checkpoints at the campus entrance to enforce vehicle safety violations and the campus guest policy. The program has led to a successful crime reduction and lessened the number of unregistered, unaffiliated persons found on campus grounds. If you are a student entering the campus, please have your MORE Card readily accessible. If you have guests coming to campus, please ensure that your guests know your first and last name and your address on campus. Guests will be allowed to call their host if they are unsure of the campus address. Please keep in mind that each student is limited to a maximum of two guests.

Safety Tips of the Week

  1. LOCK your Door(s) at all times. Take an active part at minimizing thefts of personal property. The majority of thefts that have occurred on this campus resulted from an unlocked door! This is not limited residential areas only; cars and offices are also included.

  2. Please turn off all appliances that may become flammable if left unattended, ie: stoves, curling irons or similar, heating tools, etc.