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File a Report

Officer Accommodation / Complaint

If you have experienced an interaction, whether it be good or bad, with an officer and you would like for us to know about it, please fill out this form.

File An Officer Accommodation / Complaint

Sexual Assault

You have the right to choose whether or not to make a report to the University Police or Campus Security, local law enforcement, and/or State Police; to report the incident to your institution; to be protected by the institution from retaliation for reporting an incident; and to receive assistance and resources from your institution.

SUNY strictly prohibits the offenses of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Please read the SUNY Purchase College Students’ Bill of Rights for more details.

REPORT A Sexual Assault

Silent Witness

If you know of a crime that has occurred or is currently occurring on campus and would like to report it, please fill out this form or dial x6868.

You may complete the following form under a condition of anonymity. If you would like us to contact you, fill out the “Contact Information” section at the bottom of the form. All information is kept confidential.

Silent Witness