Our Hours Today:
24/7, Year-Round

Medical Emergencies

In the event of a situation involving injury or illness such as difficulty breathing, fainting, choking, chest pain, anaphylactic shock (severe allergic reaction), head trauma, extreme severe headache, alcohol and drug overdose, mental status change.

Contact UPD: (914) 251-6911

Responding to Injuries to Students, Visitors, or Employees

Contact University Police at (914) 251-6911 to get help immediately for medical emergencies.

  • Stay on the phone until instructed to hang up.
  • Be prepared to give as much information as possible (i.e., location, nature of injury, cause of injury, hazards that may be present).
  • Employees must notify their immediate supervisor as quickly as possible of any on-the-job injury or illness. If it is not an emergency, the supervisor should be notified BEFORE the employee seeks medical treatment.

CPR/Choking guidelines


  • Unresponsive: If the victim is not breathing or not breathing normally (i.e., only gasping) call for help (914) 251-6911or x6911 from campus phones) and commence CPR, if you are certified to do so.


  • Push chest at least 2 inches, 30 times in the center of the chest
  • Push 2 handed, with one hand on top of the other
  • Push at a rate of at least 100 pushes per minute
  • Allow complete chest recoil after each push
  • Interruptions in chest pushes should be less than 10 seconds
  • Attach and use AED as soon as available, if you are certified to do so.


  • Open the airway
  • Tilt the head back and lift the chin
  • Breathe 2 breaths into the victim’s mouth - each breath should be over 1 second in duration
  • Ensure that the victim’s chest is rising with each breath
  • Use barrier device if available

Continue sets of 30 pushes and 2 breaths:

  • Rotate responders giving chest compressors every 2 minutes while ensuring that interruptions are less than 10 seconds in length

Conscious Choking

If you encounter a conscious, choking individual who is coughing, encourage continued coughing. If the victim is unable to cough, speak, or breathe:

  • Send someone to call for help ((914) 251-6911 or x6911 from campus phones)
  • Lean the victim forward and give 5 back blows with heel of your hand
  • Administer 5 quick abdominal thrusts by standing behind the victim, placing the thumb-side of your fist against the middle of the abdomen just above the navel, grabbing your fist with the other hand, and quickly pulling your fists into the abdomen
  • Repeat until the object the person is choking on is forced out and person breathes or coughs on his or her own 

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