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24/7, Year-Round

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs

Alcohol-Free Social and Recreational Activities

The Wellness Center has a calendar of wellness activities and programs that occur on an on-going basis throughout the year.

In addition to the Wellness Center, these programs are also held in the Wellness Residence Hall and in smoke-free residences and buildings. Such programs as yoga and meditation are offered daily.

Each semester, two major alcohol-free events are held: a Mocktail-Dance Party and Spa Night. Additionally, a Wellness-Sober tent was added to Culture Shock, which has become an annual tradition.

The following undergraduate programs offered through the Wellness Center directly or indirectly address the topic of alcohol and other drugs:

  • First-Year Seminars
  • “Natural High” Yoga and Mindfulness Series
  • Health and Wellness
  • Wellness Internships
  • Marijuana Prevention Class and Groups
  • 12-Step Anonymous Recovery Meetings: On-Campus AA and OA meetings
  • Wellness Fair