Our Hours Today:

ID Photos

Ready to submit your own ID photo for your More Card? Just follow these guidelines, and your card will be ready by the time you arrive to campus (think of it like a passport or driver’s license):

  • No glasses or hats
  • Use a white background*
  • Face camera directly
  • No filters
  • Photo should not be blurry, oversaturated, or overexposed

*Hint: You can use a white board, a wall, or even a piece of poster board to create a white background for your photo.

You will receive a confirmation email once your photo has been approved. Once approved, you can pick up your More Card at the Parking & Card Office in Campus Center North. If your photo has been rejected, you will need to resubmit your photo.

You may also have your photo taken once you come to campus, although we recommend submitting a photo in advance to speed things up.

Online Photo Submission

Use the following process to send your photo in via website:

  1. Go to the GET website
  2. Click below “Login to GET”
  3. Enter your myHeliotrope username and password
  4. Click “Login”

Submit Photo Online

App Photo Submission

Use the following process to send your photo in via the GET Mobile App:

  1. Download the GET Mobile App
  2. Select “SUNY Purchase” as your institution
  3. Enter your myHeliotrope username and password
  4. Tap the app menu and select “Settings” from the dropdown menu
  5. Select “Upload Photo”

Use the buttons below to download the GET Mobile App for your device.

App Store (iOS)

Google Play (Android)