My College Roomie
A roommate that’s just right—just a few clicks away!
My College Roomie (MCR) is a system that makes the process of roommate matching available to our new incoming freshmen students only.* MCR is one of the easiest and most innovative systems available in the area of roommate matching. And we’ve personalized it for you as an incoming Purchase College student. MCR is only active for fall incoming freshmen students.
While a “perfect roommate” may not exist, we hope using MCR will help you find a compatible roommate—an important step on your path to an amazing first year experience in campus housing.
As a new first-year student, your account has already been created for you. As long as you have paid your housing deposit AND completed your Residence License Agreement (RLA), you will receive instructions on entering the MCR platform and beginning your process of finding compatible roommates. Account information is usually sent around May 1st.
Once you receive your login credentials and begin exploring the system, please make sure to visit the MCR support page to find answers to many of your questions. You can find helpful information and also view walk through videos to guide you through the system.
Let the fun begin…
*My College Roomie is a program for new incoming freshmen students only, and used each summer leading into the fall semester. It’s not for Transfer students or in between the fall and spring semesters.