Our Hours Today:
9:00am - 5:00pm

Housing Policies

The College is committed to creating residential environments—physical and social—which enhance student’s opportunities for academic and artistic success, and support and encourage responsible personal development.

Residential and Student Life, which administers the housing program, is committed to those values and to provide residence halls and apartments for students who share those values.

The College will provide housing for students who take their educational work seriously and who are contributing and responsible members of this vitally artistic and academic community. For this reason, and in an effort to promote the living and learning environments in all of our residence areas, the College will not provide housing to students who are on both academic and disciplinary probation.

Students that are dismissed from Purchase College due to either academic or disciplinary reasons will forfeit all housing fees which includes the housing deposit.

Below are some Housing Policies, listed in alphabetical order - additional policies can be viewed through the Student Code of Conduct, and through the Residence License Agreement.  Additional questions can be sent to rsl@purchase.edu

All residents and students should familiarize themselves with our college policies by visiting the College Policy website.