Our Hours Today:
9:00am - 5:00pm

First Year Housing (Freshman)

View from Central of the Quad, D-Hall, and Farside in the distance

Central, Crossroads, and Farside

Central, Crossroads, and Farside are the residence halls that make up the freshmen living community.

These residence halls connect to the main Dining Hall (D-Hall) through the lower level—ideal on cold winter days—which also connects all three buildings with a shared laundry room in the basement of Crossroads. 

Our freshmen living community has one Residence Coordinator (RC) living in each building. Every RC has extensive experience within housing and residence life and supervises the overall building, with the assistance of student Resident Assistants (RAs).

The freshman housing community shares The Quad outside the buildings, reached via an accessible path and social gathering space.

Central, Crossroads, and Farside residence halls do not have air conditioned rooms or elevators. All three buildings have a ground floor and first, second, and third floors.

Those needing special accommodations should complete a request through the Office of Disability Resources.

Additionally, all of these housing options allow for Gender Inclusive Housing.