
Tutoring Sessions

Students may schedule up to three (3) tutoring appointments per week in any combination of face-to-face sessions and Online Writing Lab submissions. In-person tutoring appointments are 45 minutes in length. Please note that students may not schedule more than one appointment with the same tutor on the same day. Appointments in Time Management are limited to a maximum of three appointments per term.

Tutors are not substitutes for professors. Tutoring sessions are not substitutes for attending class, taking notes during class, completing homework assignments, studying, and seeking help from the professor when necessary. 

A student who needs help in a course outside of our tutoring subjects, or who is in danger of failing a course, should use multiple strategies for remediation including contacting the course instructor, attending all study sessions offered, meeting with the learning assistant (when applicable), completing all course assignments, and studying independently.

Tutoring Subjects

The Learning Center offers a peer-based tutoring program that primarily supports academic writing across a wide range of lower-level courses that have broad enrollment from students across the college. The Center is unable to hire subject-specific tutors in every area, particularly those areas that include upper-level, major-specific courses that are restricted to a smaller number of students.​


Students are to use the Learning Center facilities for tutoring appointments only.  If the facility is otherwise unoccupied, students may seek permission from Learning Center staff to use the Learning Center as a quiet work space. However, printing resources are only available to students who are working with a tutor.


Please note that the Learning Center no longer offers testing services. Please contact testing@purchase.edu to make arrangements. If you find misinformation anywhere on the Purchase website suggesting that the Learning Center still proctors exams or facilitates testing accommodations, please let us know. 

Community Standards of Conduct

Students who use Learning Center services and facilities are expected to adhere to Learning Center policies, observe the Community Standards of Conduct, and behave in a professional and respectful manner. 

Students who do not meet these expectations may be referred to the Office of Community Standards and may lose Learning Center privileges.