Our Hours Today:

Handouts and Links

Study Guides For Revision and Editing

The following handouts, produced by our tutors and staff, can be used as study guides or during the revision/editing process. We have noted the original sites and sources at the bottom of each handout and recommend consulting these and the links below for additional information. Our tutors would be happy to go over a handout with you in person.

Online Learning Resources

Maintaining Motivation Through Online Classes

Mindfulness and Time Management for Online Classes

8 Strategies for Getting the Most out of an Online Class from Northeastern University

 Time Management and Study Skills

Assignment Planning Calculator from the Excelsior OWL— learn to break a major assignment into manageable tasks, and pace yourself as you complete them.

Study Skills, Note Taking, and Active Reading

Writing Resources

Explore the following sites for additional help at different stages of the writing process:

The Excelsior Online Writing Lab (OWL) contains helpful guidelines for developing essays.

MLA Style Guide from the Excelsior OWL

APA Style Guide from the Excelsior OWL

Writing Resources by Topic: Links to handouts organized by subject from the Agnes Scott College Center for Writing and Speaking. Subjects include writing in biology, philosophy, sociology and anthropology, math, etc.

 The Elements of Style, by William Strunk, Jr., and E.B. White
Contains a full-text version of this classic writing guide.

Ethos, Logos, Pathos: Types of Arguments

Click Here to Watch Commercial Examples of Ethos Logos and Pathos