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Partnership with Technos College

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Purchase College is proud to have a strong partnership with Technos College in Tokyo, Japan that brings art and cultural exchange to students at each institution.  

Purchase College has a strong, long-standing, student-centered partnership with Technos College in Tokyo, Japan. Four of the main components of this partnership include: attending exchange of Academic Prizes, Technos International Week, the Technos Art Program and the Technos College TA Internship Program.

Exchange of Academic Prizes

The objective of this award is to recognize students who have advanced the cause of international understanding through their study, art and/or actions at Purchase.

Technos College TA Internship Program

The Technos College Teaching Assistant (TA) internship is a highly competitive,11-month,  fully funded, program that provides participants a unique opportunity to work internationally in the field of education, while experiencing all that Japan and its history, culture and traditions have to offer. Applicants must have their Bachelor’s degree or obtain such qualifications by program’s September start date. 

Technos International Week (TIW)

Each year, students are nominated to visit the Technos College campus for a 2-week long cultural exchange trip during Technos International Week. 

Technos Art Program (TAP)

Each October, students are nominated and visit Technos College for the Technos Art Program. This program gives students the opportunity to perform or showcase their art while spending a week at Technos College. 

For more information about the Technos programs, email SAF.dean.for.global.strategy@purchase.edu