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Who Do I Contact For?

Inquiries about… Contact
Address change Update your Employee Datasheet in HRETS
Affirmative Action, EEO Lisa Miles-Boyce
Americans with Disabilities (ADA) - Accommodation Requests Ricardo Espinales
Benefits Noemi Spaziante
Direct Deposit Robin Farrell, Beth Goula
Dual-Employment Robin Farrell
Employment/Salary Verifications Amanda Zallo, Robin Farrell
Ethics/FDS Filing/Training Amanda Zallo, Kathleen Farrell
Extra Service/Also Receives Processes Ricardo Espinales
Human Resources Employee Tracking System (HRETS) Amanda Zallo, Ricardo Espinales
I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification Form Amanda Zallo
Job Postings and Searches Lisa Miles-Boyce
Labor Relations Kristi Gullen
Leaves of Absence (long-term, e.g., FMLA, PFL, medical) Noemi Spaziante
Letters (Contract Letters for Appointments) & Employment Verification Amanda Zallo, Ricardo Espinales
Military Leave Ricardo Espinales
On-the-Job Accidents Ricardo Espinales, Amanda Zallo
Payroll Robin Farrell, Beth Goula
Performance Programs and Evaluations Amanda Zallo
Retirement Noemi Spaziante
Timesheets and Accruals Susan Ciliberti
Tuition Assistance/Waivers Ricardo Espinales
HR Website Amanda Zallo
Workers’ Compensation Ricardo Espinales, Amanda Zallo