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Employees are encouraged to take periodic vacations in order to spend time with their families, simply relax or enjoy special activities. We believe that time wisely spent away from work can help to refresh us and make us even more productive on the job. In order to insure appropriate staffing levels, prior approval of vacation leave is required. On January 1 of each calendar year, an employee’s accrued vacation leave credits shall not exceed 40 days. An employee’s total vacation credits may exceed 40 days during the calendar year but the employee must use the amount over 40 days or forfeit it on the last day of the calendar year. 

In the event of death, retirement, resignation or other non-disciplinary separation from University Service, or change of the period of professional obligation from calendar year or college year to academic year, an employee shall be compensated for such accumulated and unused vacation leave credits not to exceed a maximum of 30 days.

Full-Time Calendar Year and College Year Employees

Full-time calendar year and college year employees in the United University Professions (UUP) bargaining unit earn vacation credit on a graduated scale depending upon years of employment. New employees earn 1 ¼ days a month (15 days per year) for the first year, with the monthly accrual rate increasing to a maximum of 1 ¾ days a month (21 days per year) during the 7th year of employment. In addition, one day of vacation credit is added to each individual’s accruals effective January 2nd of each year. You must be in full-pay status for the major fraction of a month in order to earn vacation credits for that month.

Vacation Leave Accrual Schedule for Full-time Professional Employees (UUP)

Calendar Year

Years of Service Days Accrued per Month  Yearly Total (based on working 12 months)
1st Year 1 1/4 15
2nd Year 1 1/3 16
3rd, 4th & 5th Years 1 1/2 18
6th Year 1 2/3 20
7th & Subsequent Years 1 3/4 21

Part-Time Calendar Year and College Year Employees (hired on or after July 1, 1982 to June 30, 2018)

Part-time calendar and college year employees in the United University Professions (UUP) bargaining unit earn vacation credit on the basis of their annual salary:

Effective July 1, 2022 - Annual Salary Accruals Earned/Month
Up to $15,516 1/4 day
$15,517 to $23,412 1/2 day
$23,413 to $31,304 1 day
$31,305 or higher 1 1/4 day
Effective July 1, 2023 - Annual Salary Accruals Earned/Month
Up to $15,981 1/4 day
$15,982 to $24,114 1/2 day
$24,115 to $32,243 1 day
$32,244 or higher 1 1/4 day
Effective July 1, 2024 - Annual Salary Accruals Earned/Month
Up to $16,460 1/4 day
$16,461 to $24,837 1/2 day
$24,838 to $33,210 1 day
$33,211 or higher 1 1/4 day
Effective July 1, 2025 - Annual Salary Accruals Earned/Month
Up to $16,954 1/4 day
$16,955 to $25,582 1/2 day
$25,583 to $34,206 1 day
$34,207 or higher 1 1/4 day

Part-Time Calendar Year and College Year Employees (hired on or after July 1, 2018)

Part-time professional employees (including hourly/fee paid employees) in the United University Professions (UUP) bargaining unit earn vacation credit on the basis of their full-time equivalency (FTE):

Effective July 1, 2018 - FTE Credit Earned/Month
< .20 FTE 0 Accruals
.20 to <.40 FTE 1/4 day
.40 to <.60 FTE 1/2 day
.60 to <.80 FTE 1 day
.80 to < 1.00 FTE 1 1/4 day

Part-time Academic Employees (initially appointed or commence part-time on or after July 1, 2018):

Part-time Academic Year Employees who teach are are are eligible to earn sick leave accruals as follows: 

Academic Employees who teach Receive sick leave accruals as follows
1 course 1/4 day
2 courses 1/2 day
3 courses 1 day

Part-time Academic Employees (initially appointed or commence part-time on or after July 1, 2024) :

Part-time Academic Year Employees who teach are are  are eligible to earn sick leave accruals as follows: 

Academic Employees who teach Receive sick leave accruals as follows
3 credit hours/3 credit hour equivalents to <6 1/4 day
6 credit hours/6 credit hour equivalents to <9 1/2 day
9 credit hours/9 credits hour equivalents or more 1 day

To accrue vacation credit during each month, eligible part-time employees must be in a pay status consistent with their part-time service for such month, or major fraction thereof. A part-time employee’s maximum accumulation is determined on a pro-rated basis. A part-time employee who is employed on a fee-for-service, per-diem, or hourly basis, whose professional obligation is less than a day of work per week, shall not be considered an eligible employee for purposes of accrual of vacation and sick leave.

Both Full and Part Time Professional Employees record vacation usage on their monthly electronic time and attendance report.

Management Confidential Employees:

Management Confidential employees earn 1 3/4 days vacation credit each month, regardless of years of service. An additional day of vacation credit is added to individual’s accruals effective January 2nd of each year. Accruals are pro-rated for part-time employees

Management Confidential Employees record vacation usage on their monthly attendance report in the Time and Attendance System (TAS).

Full-Time Classified Employees:

Members of the classified staff earn vacation leave on an hourly basis, each pay period. Accrual rates vary with each bargaining unit, but generally consist of a graduated scale, increasing to a maximum of twenty-one (21) days of vacation per year after seven (7) years of service. Additional vacation days may be awarded in recognition of longevity.

Employees record their vacation usage on their bi-weekly attendance report.

If you have any questions please contact the Human Resources Department at 914-251-6090, or Susan Ciliberti (Time and Attendance Coordinator) at 914-251-6057.