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9:00am - 5:00pm

Study Abroad Advising

If a student approaches you asking about studying abroad, the information below can help guide your conversation and set the student on the right path to finding a program that best meets their needs.

Study Abroad Advising Steps

  1. Instruct students to email our office directly (study.abroad@purchase.edu) to set up an appointment with advisor from OGE to discuss programs, scholarships, and the application process.
  2. Share links to web pages with more information about the types of study abroad programs Purchase offers including: Purchase faculty-led programs, Purchase exchange programs, and programs through other SUNY campuses.
  3. Talk with the student about how credits taken abroad might fit into their Degree Progress Report (DPR) and what types of courses might be best to take abroad, such as general education, major specific, upper level, etc. (If you are not the student’s academic advisor, direct them to reach out to that person to have this conversation).
  4. Direct students to inquire with Student Financial Services about how their financial aid award can be applied to studying abroad.
  5. Reach out to our office with any questions!