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9:00am - 5:00pm

International Partnerships

Purchase is World Class — and so are our international partners! Our current and previous partnerships are highlighted below.

Who are our partners?

Purchase’s international partner universities are exceptional and unique in their own right, and yet share many of the qualities and values that Purchase  holds dear. All of our partnership universities either have a focus on the arts or liberal arts, ensuring that nearly every student at Purchase will be able to find a program that meets their academic needs. 

These partnerships are at the core of the College’s strategic goal to internationalize the academic and co-curricular experience to ensure that students are gaining the vital the cross-cultural understanding, 21st century skills, and global perspectives needed to fully thrive in today’s interconnected world.

All partner universities are accredited and have been approved by the SUNY system.

Interested in starting a new partnership?

International colleagues and Purchase faculty who are interested in  fostering a new partnership between a foreign university and the Purchase Office for Global Education should contact the Dean for Global Strategy and International Programs to explore the possibilities and discuss details.