Emergency Evacuation Summary

In an actual emergency, emphasis must and will be placed on personal safety and the preservation of life.  Emergency responders are responsible for evacuating individuals who are unable to do so.  Campus personnel are not expected to fight fires or rescue individuals.

In the Event of a Fire / Fire Alarm

  • Evacuate the building immediately.  Leave personal belongings behind.
  • Follow the exit signs.  Do not use elevators.
  • Exit at a normal pace and proceed to the designated Safe Assembly Area located outside of the building.  The Safe Assembly Area should be at least 50 feet away from the building. 
  • Avoid roadways to ensure responding emergency equipment has adequate space.
  • Attempt to account for occupants who may been in the building, including visitors.
  • Wait at the designated Safe Assembly Area until the University Police Department announces “All Clear” to return inside of the building. 
  • Report missing, injured, or incapacitated persons and their possible locations to emergency personnel.

If You Discover a Fire or Smoke Condition

  • Pull the nearest fire alarm box to alert everyone inside the building.  This will also notify UPD.  Pull boxes are usually located at stairway entrances and building exits.
  • Report the incident to the University Police by dialing 914.251.6911 or x6911 (from any campus phone).
  • Provide any first-hand details you have regarding the fire to emergency personnel.
    • Building
    • Specific location
    • Your name
  • Notify others of the condition as you evacuate.
  • Confine the fire by closing all doors where possible.
  • Evacuate the building immediately.  Leave personal belongings behind.
  • Follow the exit signs.  Do not use elevators.
  • Exit at a normal pace and proceed to the designated Safe Assembly Area located outside of the building.  The Safe Assembly Area should be at least 50 feet away from the building.
  • Avoid roadways to ensure responding emergency equipment has adequate space.
  • Attempt to account for occupants who may been in the building, including visitors.

Evacuation Procedure for Individuals with Disabilities

Note: information regarding students who self-identified with the college as requiring assistance in an emergency is shared with the college’s emergency personnel.  It is recommended that all individuals with disabilities create an individual Personal Evacuation Plan to ensure their readiness to respond in emergency situations.

  • In the event of a fire alarm or an emergency evacuation, individuals with disabilities should proceed to the nearest stairwell.
  • Do Not Use Elevators.
  • Individuals who are able to negotiate stairs with or without minor assistance should do so when evacuation is required.
  • Individuals should use caution when negotiating the stairwells.
  • Individuals who are not able to negotiate stairs should remain in the nearest stairwell and call the University Police Department at x6911 (from a campus phone) or 914.251.6911 to report your location.
  • If comfortable doing so individuals; (a) may escort (do not carry or lift) the disabled individual to the nearest area of refuge (usually the nearest stairwell), (b) and report the location of the disabled individual to the University Police at 914.251.6911.

Use of Fire Extinguishers

If you have been trained in the use of fire extinguishers, and if you feel conditions are within your capability, you may choose to extinguish small fires, roughly the size of a trash container.

Fire extinguisher training can be scheduled by contacting the EHS Department.