Emergency Evacuation Procedures

The purpose of Purchase College’s Emergency Evacuation Plan is to ensure the safety and preservation of life of all Purchase College community members.

The following outlines procedures for alerting, evacuating, or sheltering in place all persons located on the Purchase College campus during an emergency. The college community has a responsibility to facilitate the safe evacuation or sheltering in place of all persons by adhering to the following guidelines.

Purchase College’s policies and procedures require that all persons in a campus building evacuate any time the fire alarm system is activated, and/or upon notification by campus officials. These policies and procedures apply to both actual emergencies and drills, and must be followed by all members of the campus community. All persons are expected to evacuate in the event of an actual emergency or drill, if they can do so safely.

An evacuation exception may occur upon prior notification or announcement by campus officials.


These procedures are applicable to all members of the Purchase College campus community, including, but not limited to, faculty, staff, students, contractors, and visitors.

Roles and Responsibilities in the Event of an Alarm

University Police Department

The University Police Department (UPD) will respond to the initiation of an alarm on campus unless it is a test or an evacuation drill. Once UPD arrives, officers will assess and secure the scene to determine the severity of the emergency or threat, work to ensure the incident scene remains safe, and coordinate with other emergency response personnel to address any present or potential threat(s). It is not the responsibility of UPD officers to evacuate any individuals. When the scene is deemed safe, UPD will announce an “all clear” indicating it is safe to re-enter the premises.

In the event of an emergency, the University Police Department may be reached by phone at 914.251.6911. For non-emergency situations, UPD may be reached by phone at 914.251.6900.

Emergency Responders

In the event of an actual emergency, emergency responders will, upon arrival, secure the scene of the emergency and conduct searches of the areas and known locations of individuals with disabilities. Emergency responders will evacuate any individuals who are unable to evacuate due to physical disability, injury, incapacity, or any other reason. Emergency responders may include local fire department personnel and emergency medical services personnel.

Campus Community Members

Purchase College faculty, staff, students, contractors, visitors, and any other members of the campus community, shall evacuate in the event of an actual emergency or drill.

If an individual is unable to safely evacuate without assistance, they should move to the nearest enclosed stairwell entrance away from the path of traffic and call UPD  at 6911 or (914)251-6911 for assistance. If the hazard becomes life-threatening before emergency responders arrive, move immediately into the enclosed stairwell and close all doors. If the nearest enclosed stairwell entrance is impeded or an individual is otherwise unable to safely move to those areas, the individual may shelter-in-place. Any individuals that must shelter-in-place should contact UPD and report their location for further assistance.

Note: Members of the Purchase College staff, faculty, and student body are not responsible for evacuating any other individuals on campus.