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Scheduling an Exam at the Testing Center

How to Schedule an Exam at The Testing Center

If you are trying to make an appointment less than 72 hours (3 days) before your test, please contact the Testing Center directly to schedule your appointment (testing@purchase.edu; 914-251-3993). Accommodate will not show available spaces if you are attempting to schedule an appointment less than 72 hours before your test.

  1. Log in to Accommodate using your Purchase College user name and password.
  2. Click on the “Testing Room” tab in the sidebar. If this tab isn’t visible, this could mean that you need to renew your academic accommodations. Otherwise contact the Office of Disability Resources for assistance.
  3. Click on the “New Test Accommodation Appointment Request” button, located toward the bottom of the screen.
  4. Select the course you have your exam in from the “Course” dropdown menu. The page will then reload.
  5. Begin by selecting the date your exam will take place. You can do this by modifying the “Date Range”. Then specify what time you need to take your exam by modifying the “Time Range”.
  6. Below the Time Range controls, you can specify whether this particular exam is a Final Exam. If the amount of time the rest of the class receives to take the quiz or test is shorter than the full class period select “Yes”. Then indicate the length of time the class is given to complete the test or quiz. Otherwise, select “No”.
  7. For “Building”, choose “Student Services Building” from the dropdown menu. The only option for “Room(s)” will be “The Testing Center” – check the checkbox next to it. Then specify the “Day of the Week” you need to take the exam, and click the “Check Availability” button. The page will reload and you can then select the appropriate time slot from the list of slots that appear on the right-side of the page.
  8. A popup window will appear. You may write the name of the exam/quiz using the space provided next to where “Exam (e.g. exam 2, quiz 4, etc.)” appears. If applicable, use the “Alternative test date or time approved by your Professor” section to let the Testing Center know that you have received permission from your professor to take the exam in question on an alternative date or at an alternative time.
    • Please note: Students are expected to take a test/quiz at the same time and date as the class. Alternate test dates and times can be requested but must be approved by your Professor. Possible reasons a student may need to take their test/quiz at a different time than the class may include having back-to-back classes or having an evening course that occurs after the Testing Center collects tests at 4:30 PM.
  9. Using the “Length” dropdown menu, specify the length of time you will receive, in minutes, to take your exam. Select your approved accommodation(s) you intend to use for this exam using the “Add” button. You may provide the Testing Center with additional information regarding your exam by entering comments into the “Notes” section.
  10. Click ‘Submit Request’ to finish submitting your exam booking request.You will then see your request listed underneath ‘Pending Test Accommodation Appointment Requests’. When the request is approved, you will see it listed underneath ‘Approved Test Accommodation Appointment Requests’.

For additional questions regarding testing accommodations, please contact:

The Testing Center