Extended Time for Assignments
Student Responsibilities
Requests for extended time on assignments should be accompanied by documentation that a) outlines the nature and extent of the pertinent disability, b) clearly describes the manner in which the manifestations of the disability impact the ability to perform identified functions, tasks and/or activities and c) explains how timeliness of performance is specifically impacted. Any existing information in which healthcare providers recommended extra time to complete assignments should be provided.
Office of Disability Resources Assessment
Following the submission of documentation to support the need for the accommodation, ODR staff will schedule a meeting with the student to discuss the impact of the disability, their disability related needs, the significance of extended time in relationship to their academic performance, and any unique characteristics of their course of study and classes. Even if a student’s documentation reflects that extended time would be an appropriate accommodation each course must be reviewed to determine whether the accommodation would be reasonable considering course structure, design, and requirements. Therefore, students will be asked to discuss with ODR staff specific assignments and/or requirements in detail for each course, as well as, the logistics of ensuring that they meet their responsibilities concerning missed class work.
As a part of the process, it may be necessary for ODR staff to consult with course instructors to clarify issues related to essential academic requirements, available options for make-up work, and whether a requested accommodation would fundamentally alter the nature of a program, course, or activity. Based upon those discussions, it is possible that a decision will be made that extended time would not be an appropriate accommodation for certain programs, courses and/or assignments because of their unique characteristics.
ODR staff will determine whether extended time should be provided as an accommodation; including under what circumstances the accommodations should be used and the amount of extended time. The approved accommodation may vary based upon the nature of the program, course and/or assignment. If it is determined that there are certain situations where provision of the accommodation would not be reasonable, alternative accommodations will be considered and offered, if appropriate.
Students are entitled to request extended time on assignments as academic adjustments. ODR is the office that is responsible for determining whether students should be provided this accommodation. Instructors are required to provide the accommodations approved by ODR staff. Upon being advised that a student has been approved for extended time on assignments, instructors who have questions, concerns or disagreement regarding the approval must raise them with ODR staff not the student. If a requirement which is essential to the educational purpose or objective of a program or class would be compromised by the provision of this accommodation, the accommodation is not considered reasonable. If an instructor wishes to raise such an objection, they must follow the College’s Faculty Dispute Resolution procedure. The objection must be supported by a) identifying the specific requirement(s), b) explaining how the requirement is related to significant or essential course objectives and c) describing the manner in which the student’s performance regarding the identified requirement would be compromised by the provision of extended time.