Our Hours Today:

Student Rights

This section is taken from a Student Bill of Rights, as prepared and presented by the Purchase Student Government Association. The college intends to provide students with those rights enumerated here, which have a basis in the United States Constitution and state and/or federal legislation.

Self Determination

The college does not stand in loco parentis for its students. Students have the right to self-determination in their own affairs, including:

  1. The ability to organize the structure of student government as they see fit;
  2. The election to, and maintenance in office of student representatives selected by the student body at large, as defined by the student government constitution;
  3. The complete control of the distribution of the Student Activity Fee monies, in accordance with SUNY Board of Trustees policy;
  4. Appropriate voting student representation on all committees and councils of  the larger governance bodies of the College, including all ad-hoc college-wide  committees, task forces, and advisory groups. This assures the right to share in the  formulation of all academic and non-academic policy; and
  5. Freedom to organize and join associations to promote their common interests. Such  associations will be required to submit a  statement of purpose, a statement of  compliance with all anti-discrimination polices of the college, and a list of current  officers.

Freedom of Speech, Press and Inquiry

Neither the student government nor any faculty or administrative person or board shall make a rule or regulation or take any action which abridges students’ freedom of speech, press, or inquiry, as guaranteed Constitutional rights as citizens of the United States. Students of the college are guaranteed:

  1. The right to examine and discuss all questions of interest to them, and to express opinion privately and publicly;
  2. The right to learn in the spirit of free inquiry;
  3. The right to be informed of the purposes of all research in which they are expected or encouraged to participate either as subject or researcher;
  4. The right to freedom from censorship in campus newspapers and other media;
  5. That the right to freedom of speech, press and inquiry shall not be interpreted as an authorization for a student, who sits on  a committee, to disseminate or divulge any information that was given on a basis of confidentiality within a committee; and
  6. The right to hold public meetings and to engage in peaceful, orderly demonstrations.

Due Process, Privacy, and Protection

  1. Students have a right to fair and equitable procedures which shall determine the validity of charges of violation of campus regulations. A detailed statement of Rights of Persons Subject to Disciplinary Hearings is found in Section V-C of this document.
  2. This document guarantees all students:
    1. The right of privacy in any personal or assigned space, except as specified in the college’s License Agreement, in an emergency involving danger to life or property, when a condition exists which threatens the rights of other 
      individuals of the college community.
    2. Confidentiality of student records maintained by the college in accordance with state and federal law. Records shall contain only information which is reasonably related to the educational purposes of the college or safety of the college community.
  3. Students of the college have the right to a safe and secure environment in which  to work and live.
  4. Students have a right to provision of services promised or agreed upon in writing, and orderly redress for unfulfilled commitments, as authorized by SUNY Board of Trustees policy.