Our Hours Today:

Section B: Personal Identification and Representation

An offense against the standards relative to personal identification and representation occurs when a person:

  1. Presents themselves as another person with or without that person’s permission, or provides false information about themselves or any other person.

    Minimum: Disciplinary Probation
    Maximum: Suspension     

  2. Represents the college, any registered student organization, or any official college group, without official and explicit prior consent.

    Minimum: Disciplinary Probation
    Maximum: Suspension     

  3. Tampers with, falsifies, or destroys any electronic or non-electronic record of the college without consent.

    Minimum: Disciplinary Probation
    Maximum: Expulsion

  4. Uses or possesses fraudulent identification and/or refuses to present college ID or another form of identification upon request of any authorized college personnel acting within their authority. Please note that students are required to have their Purchase College ID on them at all times.

    Minimum: Disciplinary Reprimand
    Maximum: Disciplinary Probation