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Title IX Final Rule

The College’s Title IX Grievance Policy for Addressing Formal Complaints of Sexual Harassment can provide you with all the information regarding this policy and hearing procedures.

  • Rules of Decorum- TIX

    Rules of Decorum for proceedings associated with an alleged violation of the Title IX Grievance Policy for Addressing Formal Complaints of Sexual Harassment

Students involved in sexual misconduct, sex discrimination, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking incidents, can file reports with the Office of Diversity and Compliance or University Police. Once a report is received, the incident is promptly investigated by the police and the information is shared with the Office of Community Standards and the Title IX Coordinator and Title IX /Investigator. The sharing of information allows for legal and/or administrative action to take place. Please contact University Police at 914-251-6900 (general) or 914-251-6911 (emergency) for additional information.