Our Hours Today:

Hearing Rights

Rights of an accused student who elects to have a disciplinary hearing:

Students have the right to a fair hearing and equitable procedures to determine the validity of charges of violation of campus regulations. When a student is charged with a violation of the Student Code of Conduct they have the right to:

  1. A hearing as specified in the Student Code of Conduct and applicable college policy and procedures.
  2. Be present throughout the hearing and to hear all information presented against them; (Note: If an accused student elects not to appear, the College will assume that the student is waiving their right to be present and proceed as scheduled in their absence).
  3. Formal notice in writing of the time, date, place of the hearing no less than two (2) business days in advance of the hearing; and a list of specific policies allegedly violated. A copy of any written report(s) that will be used at the hearing will be made available to the accused student upon request at their initial conference or by contacting the Office of Community Standards. 
  4. Be accompanied by an advisor of choice who may assist and advise the student throughout the hearing. Participation of the advisor in any proceeding is governed by federal law and the Student Code of Conduct. A person who is otherwise involved in the conduct case or hearing may not serve as an advisor of choice. The advisor may speak privately to the advisee during the hearing. The accused student may request a break(s) during the hearing to consult with the advisor.  Breaks will be granted at the discretion of the Procedural Officer.  The advisor of choice may not present information, question witnesses, or speak during the hearing to anyone other than the student they are advising.  Students are responsible for presenting all information, documents, requests, and opening and closing statements. Obtaining an advisor of choice is the responsibility of the student.
  5. Request a one-time rescheduling of a disciplinary hearing not to exceed 5 business days, barring extenuating circumstances.  The student must submit a written request to the Office of Community Standards who will make a determination. The requesting party will be notified via Purchase email of the decision.  Barring extenuating circumstances, these requests must be received no later than two (2) business days prior to the scheduled hearing.  Extenuating circumstances that may warrant a delay of a hearing include, but are not limited to: illness, death/bereavement of parent/guardian or sibling, university closures, breaks between semesters due to activities such as study abroad, and failure to meet composition requirements for the hearing body. Note: a change in employment/work schedule or pre-scheduled medical appointment does not constitute an extenuating circumstance.
  6. Present their case through statements, questions, witnesses, and other forms of information/evidence, and to have questions asked of any individual participant in the hearing through the Hearing Committee/Officer(s).
  7. A determination of the findings of the hearing committee or administrative hearing officer solely on the basis of the information presented at the hearing.
  8. Access to the college’s hearing audio record in order to prepare an appeal.
  9. Receive the discipline finding letter outlining the findings and reasoning of the hearing committee or administrative hearing officer within ten (10) business days of the hearing, barring extenuating circumstances.
  10. Notification of the appeals process.

In addition to the rights listed above, the Sexual and Interpersonal Violence web page can provide more information related to hearing rights involving allegations of sexual and interpersonal violence.