The Center for Production Services provides the college’s academic schools, conservatories, centers, and departments with an array of essential digital resources and support. The services provided by the center facilitate the college in reaching its highest pedagogical aims, as well as a wide range of marketing needs.

Special Productions/Marketing

The Center for Production Services produces professional quality, high-profile productions for use in classes and learning management systems like Moodle, and on the college’s and various other websites.

Individual support to faculty is also provided for professional development and grant applications.

Classroom and Project Support

The Center for Production Services specializes in and is devoted to ensuring pedagogical success for Purchase College faculty and students in academic programs using digital production technology. The goal of the Center for Production Services is to provide instruction on the use of this digital technology for the various boards of study to facilitate course objectives.

Working closely with faculty members, the director of production services designs teaching sheets and conducts in-class workshops on video and audio production, editing software, and production techniques. In addition to teaching classes, the director assists students individually in the labs and with their own equipment, responding to questions and trouble-shooting as needed. The director mentors students as they develop and complete specific course projects and independent study and senior projects. The director also aids faculty with learning and using the related technology required for their courses.

To discuss your digital production needs, please contact: